Guidelines for Running a Bug Bash My previous blog on Bug Bashing covered the what, why and when. The focus of this blog is how to run a successful bug bash: what you will do before, during and after the Bug Bash. General A Bug Bash should be short, a period of 60 minutes should be sufficient. 10 minutes for the introduction, 30 minutes for the … [Read more...]
Bug Bash – Give it a bash
Often as testers, we question where could we can make improvements, bring fresh ideas and add value in our organisations. Based on past experience I have seen huge benefits of running a Bug Bash. In this post, I want to cover the topic of the Bug Bash and why I believe is so effective. What is a Bug Bash? In simple terms, a bug bash is a set period … [Read more...]
Guest Blog: Writing Test cases – The Devil is in the Detail
Checkout my guest blog for EuroSTAR Testing Huddle. … [Read more...]